DIY (Donate it yourself)
The best way to lead is by example. Show your dedication to the event by making a donation to your own fundraising campaign. Plus for each fundraising milestone you reach, you will receive a free adaptive aid to help make your day easier!
Get social
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn; whatever your choice of social media platform, share, share, share! Reach out to your network of friends and family to encourage them to support you, and in-turn, support Guide Dogs.
Use your influence
Never forget the power of leadership. You’re the boss! You lead the way in management, why not use this to engender goodwill in your community and workplace?
Publicise it
What workplace doesn’t love a good excuse for a morning tea? Order some food, invite the team, reach out to your contacts to join you in a networking event, and take the opportunity to talk about your challenge.
Email and more!
The best way to get your fundraising started is to email everyone. Send an email to your colleagues, friends, family and network to let them know you’re taking on the Boss’ Blind Date challenge.
Downloadable templates
Fundraising template to network
Fundraising template to workplace